
Problem: By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed four million, find the sum of the even-valued terms.

I decided to do this by starting with 1 and 2 as my first two numbers (2 is technically the third fibonacci number, but because we are only counting evens it does not really matter. Then I set the counter variable to 0. I then made a while loop that ran until either a or b was greater than 4 million. Inside the while loop, it cycled through the fibonnaci numbers by adding b to a and then a to b; if either of these new a values or new b values were divisible by 2 and hence even, they were added to the counter variable. Then the solution was printed out after the while loop was over. However this answer was wrong! I realized that I did not count the original value of 2 for b, so I made the counting variable start at 2 and this gave me the correct answer of 4613732.